Looking more and more like my February release date is the right call. You can imagine me patting myself on the back rn cuz I finished a book—ten motherfucking years later. I beat GRRM and that’s something to be proud of! (sane me: is it tho?)
Editor finished with some notes that are easily fixed within the document. What’s left that’ll take so long?
- Fixing list of notes from editor
- Reread in a month to do the final touches
- Contacting the one beta who offered her services again. Getting two more betas to read at the same time.
- Fixing from beta notes
- Contacting my old narrator to see if he wants to narrate this one too.
- Redoing the cover
- Redoing the blurb
- One more reread to catch mistakes
- Formatting for ebook
- Formatting for audiobook
- Formatting for paperback
- Upload
- Release
The release date is tentative, with most of the time going to edits, beta edits, and the audiobook(Which if its the only thing left I might release later than the ebook/paperback).
Felix tax (I’m away from my cats atm so no Newbie tax)