At the end of January, as I was getting ready to upload Shattered Glass, I told my s/o that, while I thought I was putting a good book out there, I probably would only sell about ten copies. And five of those would be to my friends and his family. Not only was I writing in a niche, I was writing a niche within a niche (mystery/suspense/very little sex) and my character wasn’t going to connect with everyone. So I’m a little in shock today when I announce that, thanks to you awesome people, Shattered Glass made it to number one on in all of Gay & Lesbian books.

More than selling books, more than making a living on my writing, more than anything really, I wanted to connect with readers and I wanted to give them a good experience. I hope I’ve accomplished that. And the comments you send me, the words you have said about my book in emails and messages, I sometimes have cried. So thank you so much. (and then Austin told me to suck it up oO).

To celebrate and to thank all of you for making Shattered Glass number one on Amazon Gay and Lesbian (books and Kindle!), I’m going to hold a contest. No, I won’t be giving away my book (someone else is doing that later this month!); I’m going to give away someone else’s book. Yes, you heard that right! =) (no, I don’t know whose). And maybe some other swag.

Details to come later today!