You know, with everything happening, I realized something. It seems the most people with input, the ones with the biggest voices, are the authors and the reviewers (the “professional” reviewers). But there’s a voice missing. How about just you readers? Would you like a platform to write a blog post?
When I purchased this blog, knew it had been previously used as a multi-post blogging platform for writers of slash fiction. I like the idea of just having it being about m/m, f/f, GLTBQ –everything…fiction.
So if you are a reader and if you ever have an article you’d like to write, if you have an idea you’d like to discuss about GLTBQ romance or the community itself or anything at all to do with fiction, email me I’ll post it here for you.
What your post can’t do:
Attempt to attack my virginity–seriously, I don’t even have anal virginity left people… nothing to see here.
If you’re short on ideas, here’s just a few:
Which types of books are sorely lacking that you’d like to read?
What’s the biggest complaint you have about the availability of books?
Where are the superseekrit places to buy books?
Which topics should review sites and author sites be covering that they aren’t?
Which kinks aren’t there enough of?
Which tropes are you sick of?
Have at it! =) This is open to all readers.
And my blog is always open to authors.
Which reminds me…next month is the hop against homophobia! My first blog hopping. Weeeh! (I’m such a dork to be excited about this).