Update: NSI and future projects

As you can see, things have changed around the site as i get ready for release. I’m stuck atm with a timeline because the Swedish library sent me ISBNs but nowhere to register them. I finally found a service that I *think* can register my book with the ISBN but I can’t know for sure. […]

Woo! Summer…Update inc

This is gonna be quick and dirty, just how I you like it. I’m not much further along than I was in the last update, except that I threw out a scene and may or may not get it out of the trash, depending on how obsessed  annoyed I get with thinking about it. It’s summer and […]

Update (TL;DR: No huge news)

I can’t remember when I started reading Stupid Post it Notes. It was a looooooooong time ago. If you haven’t read it, it’s sort of a rambling mess of cracky awesome teenage angst. SPIN, for short, is a slash fiction story about Seth and Tuesday. Yes, Tuesday. That’s his name and I think it says a […]

November Up–yours, Dani!

I suck. I’m sorry, but I don’t have any really awesome news. Not really bad news either, but not awesome. I let NSI rest for two weeks so I could get fresh eyes on it. When I returned to edit, I stripped most of the one whole chapter and a lot of the others toward the end. Since […]

September Update

I wish I could think of something clever and funny atm, but my mind is filled with cotton–or snot that’s dried like cotton around my brain. So, today’s update brought to you by The Gross Unfunny Dani. I could have updated on the first, except I broke my foot. And after hospital visits and xrays, I […]

Is It a June Update already?!

Okay, let’s get right down to the nitty gritty! Do I have a publication date? No! I don’t. Am I close to providing one? Yes! Yes I am. I imagine I’ll know once I hire an editor after my alphas have read it in the next 4-16 weeks (no I can’t be more precise +P). […]

Update Three!

It’s May 1st and there’s snow outside. . Onto what you’re really wanting to know! How’s NSI going. Kinda awesomely! I’m working on the last few chapters which had to be extensively rewritten and a few extra scenes my beta recommended. So we’re in the home stretch. No dates yet, sorry, I won’t know that […]

It’s UPDATE day!

It’s been *checks other post* about a month since my last update and I figured that’s about right for a new one. I might do more updates sooner, but I’ll try not to make them longer. I do have news and it’s good, better and meh, depending on your outlook =D To those who loved […]